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Last Updated on: 28-Jun-24

Management Development Institute
Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali, Gurgaon - 122 007, INDIA
Tel + 91-124-4560000, Fax + 91-124-4560456
Wesbite : www:mdi.ac.in


As part of its development mandate, IFCI has facilitated promotion of India’s premiere Business Schools viz. Management Development Institute (MDI). The Institute aims to inculcate professionalism in management education and enhance the effectiveness of organizations through education, training and research.


MDI has the distinction of being the first internationally accredited Indian Business School having received international accreditation by AMBA in 2006. The long-term programmes of MDI have received global, regional and national accreditations – accreditation of Association of MBAs (AMBA) London, South Asian Regional Accreditation (SAQS) and National Board of Accreditation (NBA). MDI also has the distinction of being the only Indian B-school that has a community outreach programme, the International Summer University (ISU) wherein MDI has joined hands with nine Indian universities and institutions to form a network of learning.

MDI is an autonomous and professionally managed Institution registered under the Societies’ Registration Act, 1860.