What are the contact details of the Key Managerial Personnel authorised to make disclosures to the Stock Exchanges?
In terms of the provisions of Regulations 30(5) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, any of the following Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs) has been authorised for making disclosure to the Stock Exchanges under the said Regulation.
What is the process of dematerialization of shares?
To convert the shares into demat form, the shareholders have to open a Depository Account with a Depository Participant (DP).
In the demat process, the shareholders are required to surrender the certificates to its DP. The DP in turn processes them to R & TA, which is verified and if found in order, is dematerialized and an equivalent number of shares credited electronically by DP to the account of the shareholder.
Whom should I approach for change of address?
Registrar and Transfer Agents i.e. MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd.
Please use the contact listed below, for Procurement related complaints under Integrity Pact only